Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Some Times Photoshop needs to have a heavy hand.

As much as I prefer to get a shot right within the camera itself, there are definitely times where I screw it up. Most of the time it is no big deal and you have lot of other shots to choose from, but occasionally that it not the case and you have to hope that photoshop can help. These two shots were taken on a day trip to a park with my son, and both needed some serious help to be presentable. To be honest I didn't think they could be saved for a long time and was really disappointed that I had "dropped the ball" on them. Maybe I was just feeling confident one day but I finally took a shot at tying to save them and I have to say I like the result a lot. SOS it is nice to know that if I really like a shot where I messed something up with the lighting or another technical aspect that I may still have a shot at redeeming it.


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