Monday, May 28, 2012

Walk in the Forest

Back in April we had some extremely nice weather so one afternoon we took our little girl for a walk in a local park. She loves parks and has really taken to walking in the woods lately so this was perfect for her.

After clearing the fallen tree, she spent the next several minutes throwing sticks and branches on the path to block my way.

I do not remember at all what they found but she was enthralled, until she later found an old spoon.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Local Carnival

This shot was taken at the same carnival as the fireworks. Again I used the bulb setting on my camera and an infra-red remote with a tripod. I used Photoshop again to increase the vibrancy and contrast, as well as add a vignette. I decreased the exposure by 1 stop (if I remember correctly) to darken the tree and the people sitting in the foreground as I really did not want them drawing attention.

I like the way it turned out... but here it is in black and white as well.


Thursday, May 24, 2012


My wife and I recently took my kids to a nearby carnival to see the firework during our last long weekend. My kids love the carnival and have been chomping at the bit all winter to go to one. My wife and kids really like fireworks and I have been waiting to try my hand at shooting some. Well the time finally came and they got to see them and I got to shoot them.

With all of my fireworks shots I took them using the bulb setting, while my camera was mounted on a tripod. I also used an infra red remote to open and close the shutter.

Generally speaking I believe I used photoshop for the following adjustments on all the shots, although to varying degrees; increasing the vibrancy of the colours, increasing the blacks and improving the contrast to a small degree to ensure that the streaks stood out.

I still have a few more shots that I will try to get edited and posted soon. Actually shooting these was a lot more fun than I would have expected. I will have to try it again soon.



For the 3 people that actually read this blog, you have my apologies for not posting for the last 2 months. You have no idea how much easier this would be if I could access Blogger through my iPad reliably... and use the app to post pictures. Anyway sorry about the disappearance.