Friday, June 22, 2012

Slightly Adventurous Photo Journey

So the other day I found myself with an open afternoon and a chance to finally go take some shots of a waterfall that I have always liked. The only problem was the shots I wanted to take of the waterfall involved me getting below the falls. This involved climbing down into a ravine and shooting up at the falls from below, this is where the slightly adventurous part comes in. Getting down the ravine while somewhat treacherous was not too bad thanks to a well placed rope, what made it adventurous was the fact that I had no idea if I could get out again. As it turns out there were lots of people down there so I knew getting out couldn't be too bad. Seriously, I had no idea it was such a popular place to go swimming.

Here are a couple of shots that I took and there are definitely more to come.
Yes I used photoshop a little to increase contrast, and colours a little.
And yes my shoes were soaked as many shots I took while standing in the stream, river, whatever you want to call it.


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